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MSTC 2023 Presentation Preview: Sensors for Improving Air Quality

Dr. Sondra Hellstrom of Bosch speaks to Tim Brosnihan of SEMI MEMS & Sensors Industry Group (MSIG) to preview her presentation on decarbonization at MEMS & Sensors Technical Congress (MSTC), May 23-24 at MIT in Cambridge Massachusetts. 

Exploring Market Demand for Pervasive Gas Monitoring

More consumer and industrial products may emit volatiles that now are known to be harmful, including furniture, passenger cars, and industrial trucks. Interest in detecting and measuring the gaseous pollutants is growing in order to create effective responses to reduce or eliminate health risks. 

Innovative MEMS and Sensors Solutions for New Products and Processing Unveiled at MSTC 2022

The latest MEMS and sensors advancements in markets ranging from displays to biotech and in key areas of manufacturing including sensor devices and fabrication came into sharp focus at the 2022 MEMS & Sensors Technical Congress (MSTC) in late April as 120+ industry experts gathered in Berkeley, CA.

tinyML: One Size Does Not Fit All

What is analog computing and what do engineers need to know about it so they can make sound decisions during product development to differentiate their battery-operated always-on devices?

SEMI-MSIG Jump-Starts R&D in Positioning, Navigation and Timing

Areas packed with dense foliage. Mile-deep mines and tunnels. Urban canyons. Indoor environments. Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has long been a boon to location tracking of aerial, terrestrial and aquatic vehicles — as well as to people in motion — but in many cases it can’t function...

Funding the MEMS Product Development Journey

Our home state of California has wilderness areas of extreme climates, from desert to high-altitude snow-capped mountains. Every year, people need rescue because they’ve ventured into the wilderness without proper training, or even essential gear, such as water or a warm parka. Many MEMS product...

What’s Driving Changes in MEMS Sensors for Automotive?

The automotive industry is changing. Our vehicles are getting electrified, connected and automated. As this trend is accelerating, it’s having an impact on how semiconductor devices, including MEMS sensors, are designed and qualified for automotive. As automotive semiconductor designers carefully...

Clearing the Air: New SEMI Working Group to Establish Gas Sensor Standards

The air we breathe is precious yet neglected as anthropogenic pollutants continue to pour into the earth’s atmosphere. Still, there’s hope that greenhouse gas emissions – and the human behavior behind them – can be brought under control for the good of the planet with the help of gas sensors that...

COVID-19’s Impact on the Microfluidics Industry: One-Shot or Long-Term Opportunity?

COVID-19 has had an impact on the entire healthcare market. During the peak of the first wave, companies from the industrial and automotive sectors worked on repurposing their sensors and production lines to provide pressure sensors for respirators and temperature sensors for thermometers. At the...

New Direction: Location and Motion Tracking Gets More Precise for Industrial Applications

PNI Sensor, a member of the SEMI-MSIG Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) Technical Advisory Council, is developing advanced tracking systems that promise to increase industrial worker safety.The availability of low-cost GPS jamming and spoofing technologies renders GPS-only solutions for...